Kickass Life Project


Feel fierce, fit, fun & flirty in under 5 min a day

even if your carriage is a mom-mobile filled with crumbs or your side of the bed is the only part not covered in unfolded laundry.

Plus 5 dates every women needs to take herself on

This journey is worth one sassy card. Click here to learn about sassy cards.

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The days tick by and all seem to blend together sometimes, don't they? I dare you to take 5 dates for yourself 


a woman whose life isn't going exactly as advertised,

but you need to be strong for yourself without letting everyone else down. 

You're trying to move forward but when life keeps shifting you sideways, it's hard to keep your balance and remember where you wanted to be in the first place.


A fierce AF flower who...

knows how to fill her own cup & doesn't fall for the 'you aren't getting the love you want cause you don't love yourself enough' BS

has people wondering what secret she's got that makes her smile under her breath (psst... it's 'cause she sees herself in a new light and kind of has a crush on that hottie)

feels good in her own skin 'cause she knows her unhealthy past choices don't control her future... she has a new toolbox of beliefs and her kickass shoes are made for walkin'!


I know what it's like to be lonely, worried, & fed up with trying. That's exactly why I created the 5 day DATE YOURSELF journey - to take you from discouraged & disenchanted to finally understanding how to make yourself fairytale happy

This is for you

If you are in a heartbroken space and someone has let you down, it's time to pick yourself up. I've got quick and easy tips on finding that fantastic woman buried under the 'life crap that happens' burden.

Hey, I'm Kate


I'm a kickass life enabler, a candy addicted personal trainer, a self-taught extrovert, and a woman in love with the little things that empower us to be our best.

My bucket list gets bigger no matter how many things I tick off and I have a dream to one day say something so profound that it becomes a quote on pinterest.

I've fallen off my horse, (literally and figuratively) many times. Sometimes I don't bounce so well and it really frickin' hurts. Between life experience and counselling training and listening to other women, I've found some things that can soften the fall and help me get back up. I hope they help you as well

Feel fierce, fit, fun, flirty, & FLAWSOME in under 5 min

5 ways to feel better about  everything almost instantly

Love Myself

You were not born criticizing yourself. Itā€™s a skill you were taught . Here's my sneaky brain rewiring trick: the love song rewrite.

Feel Different

Your brain is gullible. It believes whatever you tell it. My sneaky brain rewiring trick: do the identity follows behaviour thing.

Build Success

Building success means building confidence. Easier said than done, right? My sneaky brain rewiring trick: start with the DUH tasks.

Never Fail

This is a mindset shift. My sneaky brain rewiring trick: step back from the situation and become a curious scientist studying!

Set Priorities

All humans need two things: connection and purpose. My sneaky trick for figuring out priorities: write your award acceptance speech.


5 Dates You need to take yourself on this year



5 reality flipping ideas

As soon as you start this KLP adventure, you'll get instant access to my top five tips for changing your mood and feeling great...and each one can be done in under 5 minutes.

5 dates you need to go on with yourself

Over the next 5 days, I'll send you a date idea a day... and not ordinary dates you'd go on with someone else. These are simple, but powerful dates designed especially for you to do solo.

1 free sassy card

The Kickass Life Project's mission statement revolves around 12 sassy cards. These physical cards, (credit card sized -ish), are sent to you at no cost whenever you embark on (and complete) a KLP journey šŸ˜€. Which one will choose?

Click here to learn more about sassy cards

This is all about getting to know YOU and loving the woman you discover.

Fierce, fun, fit, & flirty in under 5 min a day PLUS my 5 solo dates EVERY woman needs to take so she can feel like she's putting herself first.

You deserve it!

Kickass Life Project

Ā© 2010 All rights reserved

FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, ā€œFUK this shitā€ to the negative stories weā€™ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap weā€™ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our livesā€¦ at the same time.


Insomnia Cure

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