$50 from every sale donated to abortion rights

Everything you've ever read about fitness & nutrition has been based on a male body

 Wanna learn stuff about your body instead?



This is how to feel sassy sexy and strong without diets, fake-feeling affirmations, or one single bit of unconsenting exercise.



This is how to feel sassy sexy and strong without diets, fake-feeling affirmations, or one single bit of unconsenting exercise.

Traditional fitness and diet culture are set up to make you feel like the problem 

Ready to live happily EVEN after?


mental health focused FITNESS.

This is for women who value Health At Every Size, dream of a non-diet lifestyle, and believe in a mind body connection ... even if it does feel like fluffy pink frogs ruling the world is more likely. 


trusting your body without having to love your body (yet)

enjoying your food without guilt & ditching calorie counting

knowing what you need & being confident about your choices

feeling capable and optimistic despite your past

being consistent & healthy instead of a willpower flunky

feeling proud of who you are in whatever body you are in

feeling strong without dreading workouts or doing burpees (honestly)...

and finally really getting it when people say exercise is good for mental health.


wishing you had a magic wand  to 'fix' your body

failing at diets and constantly searching for the 'right' one

feeling like a confidence fraud and envying other women's bodies

feeling like everything is too much, too soon, and too fast

hating the 'appearance pressure' you see and feel everywhere

patience & willpower tanking with all the confusing AF 'rules'

binging workouts as a quick fix... and then being so frickin hungry!...

and wondering who these aliens are that think exercise feel good.

Turns out, you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Ready to ditch fairy tales & create a reality you love?



This is for every woman who deflects compliments, has a graveyard of diets, and has survived some shit that's made them tough... but keeps asking, "does it have to be this hard?"

You know you've got stuff to be grateful for, and you try to be a healthy version of yourself, (inside and out), BUT...

if you tick any of these boxes...







Covid crap, work stress, mum guilt*

while hoping sassy sexy & strong are buried in there somewhere, too...

this is for you

PS - This is not only trauma informed, this is exercise specific to trauma healing (if you want it)

You're getting through life & managing all the things on your plate, BUT...

...you're also beating yourself up for all the food you put on your plate?

feeling uncomfortable in your skin no matter how much positive gets thrown your way?

that sucks!

guilty for letting your fitness routine go & indulging in wine before 5 more than you 'should',

(& scared your pre-covid reasons for not getting to the gym were never the problem...so it must be you)

tired from hiding the stress, uncertainty, worry, weight of the world, from everyone,

(you're so busy being there for everyone else, that the real you - funny, care-free - feels like a ghost)

don't feel like you have a right to complain, but fit & happy is hard, dammit!

(after all... other people have it worse so you 'should' suck it up... right?)

this is for you!

Hi, I'm Kate

As a trauma informed fitpro, a registered professional counsellor, and a feminist, I help women detox from diet culture so they can love their life AND their body... at the same F'ing time.

A part of me lives in all the women below... do you see yourself in any of them?

Why I transitioned to a mental health focused trainer

Group cohort starting in Jan '23

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Sound familiar?


"If I fall asleep now, I'll still get 6 hours of sleep. Gives me time to do a quick workout before the kids get up. Yep, good plan...do not let yourself down this time, k?! You've got this!"

Next morning..."FUK!!! Well, today's a write off. What is wrong with me?!"

loves her family, stressed as hell, doesn't have time to figure out the best health stuff let alone do it

this is for you!

if you want a better relationship with your body. Fierce AF gives you couples therapy techniques that you can use to reconnect with... YOU.

Sound familiar?


"How often do you see a show with an average dude dating a woman who looks like a bikini model? It's so unfair. Plus I have to make enough money to pay for hormone replacements 'cause even if pregnancy didn't highjack my body, menopause will. My body hates me!"

makes a good living, independent & fierce, hates the pressure to look the part of 'having it all'

this is for you!

...if you want to uncover your unique obstacles, unlock your unique strengths, and unleash your unique future.

Sound familiar?


" I'm more interested in balanced health than a perfect body... mind, body, spirit .... it's all connected ...you know? But if I'm honest, I feel like giving up on the zen thing. I mean there are days I've got it dialed and then poof... gone. Sometimes life just sucks... and I'm tired of trying to fix it"

holds herself together well on the outside, craves inner peace, may be addicted to self-help books

This is for you if...

You want to love your life .... in a body you don't hate! 

'Cause let's face it... the leap to loving your body,  might as well be the grand canyon

Bring up bathing suit shopping to any woman you meet and she'll tell you how she hates the lighting in those change rooms.

Mention that you wish your arms didn't jiggle and she'll tell you a part of her body that she doesn't like.

Confess your excess drinks and snacks because (summer camping, winter blues, CoVid stress, fill in your own reason) and she'll say something that starts with, "Oh I know! I've been bad, too" 

Seriously. Think back to the last time you complained to a gf about your body and tell me she didn't say something negative about hers...

 All women share a bond. 


The struggle to love their body.

I bet your conscious memories don't go back far enough to remember a time when you weren't self-conscious about how you looked in an outfit...

...or a time when you ate something without labeling it as good or bad...

...or a time when you didn't have mental scars from someone else judging your body...

...or a time before you had judged someone, and then felt better or worse about yourself.

All over the world, women everywhere can relate to you when it comes to the love/hate relationship with their body.  

If there was ever a time for the 'you're not alone' sentiment, I think we've found it!

Kate <3

your kickass life enabler

Hi strong lady :) I'm Kate.

And that's me breaking the rules lol. ("the tiger is not a toy, ma'am")

When you join the Fierce AF journey, you're gonna want to break some rules, too.

I promise none of them will get you thrown out of a waterpark

But the fitness & nutrition rules were never designed for your body or with your best interests at heart.

You've been led to believe you are the problem every time your diet fails or you don't stick to your workout routine.

Spoiler alert: You are not the problem

Women hire me to reconnect with their body so they can feel sassy, sexy, & strong 

Ready to meet the feminist fitness rebel within you?!

The FIRECE AF formula is a 3 month guided journey to make your life and your body feel like a safe place... not the source of your problems.

go from fighting with your body to...

...blissful in your skin

go from feeling FUK'ed UP to...

...feeling FUK YA!

What you WON'T get in Fierce AF...

another fitness program focused on you losing weight

non-diet (HAES)

We will be dismantling diet culture and building a relationship with food that ditches meal plans and calorie counting forever

breaking free

Traditional fitness uses research based on male bodies and pairs that with abusive tactics designed to make you feel 'not enough'. We'll be undoing that nonsense as well.

You will get honesty.

Do I wake up sprinkled in fitness fairy dust everyday just because I technically know what works for me and what doesn't? Nope

Do I ever struggle with cellulite acceptance issues even though I have been a personal trainer for over 10 years and am a certified counsellor? Yep

This program is built on the idea that you are an imperfect human who is more than a physical body... and your worth is not tied to your body.

I pinky swear promise you do not have to be a robot of perfectionism to make this the most impactful fitness journey you've ever been on. 

The dream goals I hear women saying they want

(when we get down to the DEEP reasons)

  • "I want to wake up with physical AND mental energy, and be excited I'm in a body that feels strong"

"I want to NOT have a fear of grocery shopping, (which leads to buying junk food, which leads to eating junk food)... because my life doesn't feel like an emotional minefield that only chocolate can fix."

"In my dream life, I do NOT hold myself to an impossible standard of perfection. I eat what I want, but don't feel out of control. Willpower doesn’t take all my energy and I have more patience for life."

"My body taking me from one adventure to the next will matter more than someone else's approval."

"I wish workouts not only felt doable, but I actually looked forward to setting little challenges...oh, and my focus would shift from having the perfect body to just ...'here is my body'.

"In my dream life, I'm confident that I know what is best for my body... and that trust makes me feel kickass everywhere in my life."

and then there's the real world

Overwhelm happens...

...which leads to potato chips and watching Netflix with a bottle of rosé, and barely getting it together in time to make dinner by the time the kids to come home from school ... and then taking them to soccer practice while hiding the shit day you've had

Shit happens...

...which leads to crying in the car, hiding in the bathroom for 5 min peace, putting on a fake bravado while secretly worrying that everyone is judging you for the 2 lbs you put on last week and the sagginess of your aging butt

Life happens...

...which leads to running your life like a bad juggler, dropping things and then spending days chastising yourself for it, steadily gaining more and more weight each year and becoming less & less motivated to care.

Don't give up yet!!

I know why things haven't worked before and I know you didn't read this far to only read this far. You're ready for a different way.

I believe...

You can heal your emotional wounds, make peace with food, respect your body, enjoy getting older, and be completely enthralled with yourself.

I believe lots of people give you knowledge, but not enough people tell you HOW to use that knowledge.

I believe you can't fitness yourself into happiness. I believe you can't think yourself into happiness. I believe you've tried both & there's a better way.

I believe your brain tells stories that aren't always true but your body is  desperately trying to tell you the truth.

It didn’t work before because the fitness world has based everything it knows on the idea that the human body is the same whether it is male or female... and we are now finding out that is simply not true.

I freakin' love those moments when you make a mental side step, and in one second, everything is different. There will be a few mind breaking moments in Fierce AF.

Women's hormone cycles fluctuate their fitness & nutrition needs.

Pregnancy & menopause also play major roles in what is best for your body.

Women's bodies naturally adapt differently to weight training than men's.

And then there's your brain... it lies. Nobody ever addresses the mental side of following a fitness program... or the abusive tactics used by traditional diet and fitness culture.

Plus, my biggest pet peeve... the fitness program telling you what you should do instead of teaching you how to understand what your body needs you to do.


Your body, your life, your incredibly individual struggles. 

If we stop following a fitness program designed with a male as the default body type, and we filter out SHOULDS that have been smashed into us since birth, our body will tell us what it needs.

These things are important no matter who you are but if you're someone who has survived abuse, or is going through mental or emotional trauma of any kind, these things are essential. 


Narcissist Survivor

Toxic/abusive relationships

Vulva owner

All of these factors feed into ...

looking tough on the outside but falling apart on the inside
a fear of doing things 'wrong' and procrastinating
going all in once you do start
downplaying obstacles as 'excuses', and deciding you just need to be tougher

So let's do things differently

Let's press the fitness & nutrition 'unlearn to relearn' button

Fitness is rarely about weight or toning up

It's the hope of changing something so that you'll feel different.

  • living a life that feels balanced... not out of control stressed.

  • a relationship with your body that feels respectful and fun... and optimizes self-care.

  • not spending 30% of your life obsessing over weight loss... what would you do with that extra time?!

Seriously...female identifying folk as a general population, have been inundated with info about their bodies and fitness their whole life...and most of it just isn't true.  

 Imagine not wondering if your feel good gene is broken and willpower is a unicorn dream you'll never catch. 

Unlock Body Confidence

The real roots will of body image will shock you. Learn how to pull that weed out so it doesn't grow back.

Unlock Female Empowered Fitness

A body with a monthly cycle responds differently to fitness and food. Learn everything you've never been told.

Unlock Mental Health Focused Fitness

Traditional fitness creates trauma in the body. Learn how to use movement to help heal a traumatic past. 

What you will KNOW after Fierce AF Fitness design

what YOUR female body needs & how to provide that support

how to like yourself and truly tame the inner critic thoughts

rests and indulgences shouldn't be shameful...you can do less & get further!

where body image issues REALLY come from and how to reverse them

how to ditch meal plans (they don't work anyway), and enjoy food 

how to respect your body and enjoy your life... at the same F'ing time!

How to connect the dots between past trauma and current dieting and fitness habits PLUS how to understand the impacts of trauma on our brain and body so you can design a workout lifestyle that not only feels better, it literally heals. 



A 90 day Kickass Life Project journey that can change your fitness destiny


Fierce AF Journey

Fierce AF is now open!

There is a self-guided option and a group guided option.

This is entirely online so you can join from anywhere.

You get lifetime access to all the resources, bonuses, & future updates via the member site.

You have a satisfaction guarantee or you get your money back. Simple.

Plus a shit ton of bonuses!

Self-guided vs Guided



You will navigate the journey at your own pace & with the support of other women on the journey in a member activity feed that is built right into the course (and off of FB - so you don't get distracted or have to deal with weight loss ads)

Month One

 Get Sassy 😍 

We're gonna take a break from all the 'shoulds' - like a mental spa month - and make room for the sass within.

This is about AWARENESS.

There is NO fitness assigned for the first month. (this is seriously unlike anything you've ever done before). This is the reset part of the journey where you start to listen to your body. (PS - no diets ever)

Month Two

 Get Sexy ✅ 

We're gonna throw out the rules & design movement based on your needs - emotional and physical - cause someone who knows what they need, and can break the mold to make it happen, is sexy AF

This is about ACTION.

You will have fitness suggestions to choose from & experiment with so you can truly create a fitness lifestyle that helps you heal instead of causing more harm.

Month Three

 Get Strong 🎉 

We're gonna reinforce how kickass you already are and make sure you have all the tools you need to carry yourself forward. 

This is about AMPLIFYING.

This is the putting it all together practice month so that you can finish this journey trusting yourself to make decisions that feel good for your mind and your body, no matter what nonsense diet culture throws at you.


 Get the goodies 🎁 

From Body Confidence to Organic Fitness to Habits Made Easy, I have all the missing pieces covered. Honestly, you won't be able to take it all in within 3 months so lifetime access to the member area, (and any future updates), for you!

Group Guided

We will navigate the journey week by week together so you get the inspiration and camaraderie of a team. Guided also means you get weekly group sessions with me so we can make what you are learning applicable to YOUR life.

Month One

 Get Sassy 😍 

We're gonna take a break from all the 'shoulds' - like a mental spa month - and make room for the sass within.

This is about AWARENESS.

The programming is the same whether you choose guided or self-guided. In the guided journey, I will be with you every step of the way for more individualized support.

Month Two

 Get Sexy ✅ 

We're gonna throw out the rules & design movement based on your needs - emotional and physical - cause someone who knows what they need, and can break the mold to make it happen, is sexy AF

This is about ACTION.

Our group coaching sessions are so you can tailor the info to your unique circumstances... and no question gets left behind on the live chats.

Month Three

 Get Strong 🎉 

We're gonna reinforce how kickass you already are and make sure you have all the tools you need to carry yourself forward.

This is about AMPLIFYING.

I'm not always a social butterfly type, but I KNOW that when I learn things in group settings, I get so much valuable info about things I would not have thought to ask, plus the insight of many minds coming together means you will have teammates for life.


 Get the goodies 🎁 

Again, you get all the same bonuses as the the self-guided option, but with everything I create, I add surprise bonuses. I can't tell you what they are, (that's why its called a surprise), but I can tell you the guided surprise bonus will support you for a year.

**this offer is currently undergoing renovations & unavailable for purchase**

Make sure we're connected (click here) so I can let you know when it reopens :)

Self-Guided Path

Nothing held back but you go through the content as your own tour guide. 


Want to have your journey paid for? Tell your friends about Fierce AF and earn money when they join either the self-guided or guided


Guided Path

A guided group cohort where we will meet weekly and get all your questions answered.

Who doesn't love a deal?!


During the guided program, I will ask if you are willing to give me your time for a one on one feedback session. I am looking for details about your specific experience and I recognize your time is valuable. If you are willing, I will refund $200 (whether your honest review is positive or negative!)


Most journeys are better with a friend. For every person you refer into the Fierce AF guided journey, you will get a $100 referral bonus. This will be paid back to you after refund periods have passed. And, I will give that bonus whether YOU are enrolled in Fierce AF or not


You won't find anything else like this

If you can find another fitness program that offers all this, jump on it immediately!

Non-diet approach

We'll get you started with Intuitive Eating and take away the 'lost' feeling of "I'd love to not diet, but the what the hell do I do next?!"


Contrary to what you've been taught, health is NOT tied to weight...because you are not a robot. Health is tied to so much more than your body.

Mental Health Focused Fitness

Yes, that is a thing. The cross stressor adaptation is a physiological response which allows physical movement to aid in healing emotional wounds.

Female Empowered

Guess what? Female bodies are different than male bodies. What if you worked out based on strategies for YOUR body? How would that feel?

Polyvagal Theory

Don't worry if that's a new term. It is a simple (almost magical) way to regulate your emotions and your relationship with yourself (and bonus- it will change how you relate to your family, friends, kids, coworkers)

Mentorship & Guidance

All of this put together by a qualified personal trainer and counsellor. That would be me - Kate 😜

FIERCE AF is what happens when a personal trainer/counsellor gets bored at home during a pandemic. 

Everything she knows about helping women make friends with fitness gets put online.

Before I had to get creative with home workouts, I taught fitness at the local university, volunteered at the YMCA, held one on one personal training sessions with clients, presented at women's empowerment conferences, & updated my certifications.

I teach women physical and mental health based their own individual patterns and rhythms, including their hormonal cycle.

I am BCRPA certified in group fitness and personal training.

I teach women to tune into their body and put the brain bully in the corner.

I am a trauma informed Registered Professional Counsellor

I teach women to focus on strong bodies instead of perfect bodies.

I have a Girls Gone Strong certification in women's fitness & nutrition.

I teach women to respect their body for what it can do and not to hate it for how it looks.

I am an equestrian, mtn biker, sky diver, trail runner & omgyes participant

I teach women how to undo the past 'should trauma' and decide what journey they want to be on... and then I give them tools to get there.

I have survived physical, sexual, verbal, & emotional abuse. I'm kindof invested in trauma healing for women.

Never again will you beat or twist or force or shove your body into someone else’s version of ideal.

You can appreciate, value, honour, and respect your body in tangible ways that don’t feel like a fight with your brain.

You can make friends with fitness and nutrition and your relaxed confidence will transfer into everything you do.

You can understand yourself on a deeper level, forgive yourself for your past, and know how to never fail again


You will see this on EVERY journey I create because kickass goals are about hitting the right target... YOUR target.

My free bonus piece of kickass life advice - whenever possible, commit to your decisions as a FUK YES or OMG NO choice. 


This is the right journey for you if...

You are new to fitness or fed up with fitness as you know it

You've probably played the start stop game with your fitness lifestyle a few times and each time it gets harder to believe in yourself. Or maybe you're just sick of the nagging guilt you put on yourself for not being as fit as you SHOULD be.

You want to try a new approach

You're willing to make a time investment into understanding what makes you tick and you're open minded about rethinking your current fitness stories about yourself.

You're tired of dieting 

Clean eating is great, (in theory), but you don't want to follow meal plans to the letter or have to find weird new foods or learn a bunch of recipes. You're ready to learn more about a non-diet approach.

You're already dreading the guilt you'll feel when you don't stick to your plan

This is all sounding good in theory but there is a part of your brain reminding you of all the other times you've started with good intentions ... and here we are again. Yep, that's a good sign for FIERCE AF.

You're locked in to your current routine but not sure it's right for you

Maybe sticking to it is the opposite of the problem. Maybe you rarely miss a workout but deep down, it feels like you're doing it for the wrong reasons. This also makes you a good fit for FIERCE AF.

You understand the importance of solid foundations

There is a very good chance that at the end of this journey, you will understand why all the other fitness programs you've tried, haven't worked. In fact, you may be able to revisit them, tweak them so they work for you, & enjoy the motivation of a fresh start.

You are excited about not living the rest of your life stressing about whether or not you are 'allowed' to eat after 6pm or checking your fitbit to make sure you burned enough calories each day.

You are skeptical because you've tried diets & fitness programs & trainers & self-help books & journaling & meditation & reiki & talk therapy & the "FUK it... I'll do it on my own!" method. 

Good job. I have a satisfaction guarantee. 


This is not the journey for you if...

You are experiencing life as male

Anyone is welcome, but be aware this journey deals with female specific biological and social aspects of fitness. If you don't have intimate knowledge of periods, cramps, the fear of menopause & walking to your car at night with keys at the ready, this may not be the right fit for you.

You're in a rush

The FIERCE AF journey will require you to take a step back, to slow down the results train, & to see things from a different perspective. If you're more of a "just give me the workouts dammit" type gal, you might prefer Sexy Slim Down.

You're unwilling or unable to invest some time each week

This is not about workout time... that will start coming naturally. This is about time you'll need to spend going through the learning material and then practice applying it to your life. You'll need 2 -4 hours a week.*

*Can I make a note here that the time spent with this program will pay off in time saved, (& enjoyment gained), in your fitness future ...instead of a lifetime of forcing down kale through gritted teeth. But I won't sugar coat it... you will need to tune in each week in a real way.

You are struggling with an active eating disorder

Disordered eating habits or behaviours are a lifestyle choice (even if we do feel like we aren't good at changing them) An eating disorder is not a choice of any kind. It requires individual, immediate care. If you feel you need help with an eating disorder, you can contact me here, or reach out to another qualified professional. 

You're looking for specific results

This is a foundation journey. I honestly believe everyone should go through a process like this before attempting any specific fitness related goal because skipping this step is usually a contributing factor in helping other things fail. But if you want to run a marathon 3 months from now, this isn't the right time for FIERCE AF.

Also... do not join if you are looking for the next best restriction diet to help you lose weight fast. This journey is Health At Every Size inclusive and focused on healing your relationship to fitness and food.

FUK YES camp

If you're at FUK YES!, this is easy... stop reading and get a ticket :) The foundation pricing is on now & the doors are officially open. You just have to walk through them and start living the life you've imagined.

OMG NO or maybe

If you're at OMGNO, that's great... you aren't about to start a journey that you don't want to be on :)

If you're at maybe, keep reading. You just need some more info so you can choose.

What past clients say

"My time with Kat leaped me forward in my attempts to chip away at the challenges that were stopping me from feeling my best and I'm in a better position than ever to complete the goals that I have struggled with for the last few years."


You know, it's amazing the things I learned from you. I know I have ups and downs, fall off the wagon and sometimes get lost but it is what you taught me that always keeps me getting back to a better effort and place. I just want you to know I am eternally grateful for you and your programs."


This space is reserved for you. Imagine what you would say if the problem that is bothering you most had been solved. Write your own mini gold star acceptance speech ... 75 words max. 

; Future You

Month One

Get Sassy


This is fitness like you've never experienced it before. It starts with unlearning exercise rules that were designed for a male body (hello gender data gap)


Exercise and eating go hand in hand, but most of the time we're slapping our own hand over food choices. It's time to break the diet culture rules.


Let's face it... knowing what to do doesn't mean you're gonna do it. If that worked, you wouldn't be this far down the page.

Month One Bonuses

$27 value


plus lazy day fitness rules

$97 value

Intuitive Eating

the undiet philosophy

$97 value

Body Image

how to not hate your body

Month Two

Get Sexy


The revolution of fitness for women is here. We're gonna explore how fitness feels when we work with our hormones and nervous system.


How to transition to intuitive eating, understand food cravings and hormones, and learning to tune in to our own body's cues.


Sneaky mind hacks for getting past resistance plus the person I can't wait for you to meet - future you

Month Two Bonuses

$97 value

Organic Fitness

fitness for females

$27 value

Habit Hacks

a 5 day journey

Month Three

Get Strong


How to figure out exactly where you are on the fitness map so you know where to go next


How to fine tune your new skills and bring everything together without total overwhelm


Preparing for life without the Fierce AF program guiding you, PLUS next steps and bonus resources from others.

Month Three Bonuses


Thought Taming

CBT for fitness


Polyvagal Theory

nervous system regulation

it's ok

Fitness Snacks

and other exercise hacks


where fitness and mental health merge

What if I already have a gym and classes I love?

That's great! 

This journey will NOT take over your existing workout routine if you don't want it to.

I will be providing workout suggestions throughout but the whole point of FIERCE AF is for you to create a fitness lifestyle you love.

This journey isn't about the specific exercises so much as understanding what different workouts do for your body and how to design a schedule that will work for you.


Feeling good is my priority but what if I also want to lose weight?


First of all, let's acknowledge my thin privilege. I live in a straight sized body that society deems acceptable. 

Part of this journey is about sharing and learning from each other and your contributions are wanted regardless of your body size and shape. 

That said, if you'd rather work with someone who has more similar lived experience, I 100% respect that. Let me know how I can help.

Secondly, let's admit that aesthetic goals are not a bad thing! Nobody is saying you shouldn't care about your looks. 

But this journey is built with HAES in mind and will focus on health that has nothing to do with weight. 

You are more than a physical body. You are a mental, emotional, and spiritual body as well. This journey is about aligning with all those parts so you can stop waiting until you lose weight to start approving of yourself.

AHA moment

(Ask Her Anything)

If you got this far and you aren't at OMG NO, but you're not convinced you're at FUK YES yet, it probably just means you have a question I haven't answered. What info is missing that will help you to make this decision? Contact me.

Ok Ok... Geez, stop cheering... here's your encore...

This is me talking to you.

I don't know you but I see you.

There's an unsettled something that knows life could be better if you had more time/energy/money/motivation/hope/fill in your thing here.

There's this crazy idea that bumps into the edges of your thoughts and you keep pushing it aside 'cause you don't have time to fix one more thing... this idea that 'nothing to complain about' and 'it could be worse', isn't good enough and you want to FUKing LOVE your body.

You: "Oh Kate - you know THAT'S not possible (LMAOROTF). LOVE my body? Bahahahahaha. Seriously?! I'd settle for a few parts to like about my body ...and to have some more energy and hurt less ...and to feel on the inside like the woman I pretend I am on the outside."

Me: "OK. Sure. We can do that. And the rest... the FUKing LOVING your body without living a prison sentence of calorie counting and gym chains... I'll hold onto that belief for you til you're ready, k?" 

See, one day, your belief will stretch a little. What you believe is possible will grow. And when you're ready, you can take back that belief of being allowed to truly, openly, honestly, unconditionally LOVE your body simply because it exists...without having to prove anything.

"Every time you celebrate a little win, you change what you are capable of... until one day you achieve an outcome so positive, you had no idea it was possible... and in that moment, you become capable of anything."

You don't have to believe what I believe about you. I don't expect you to. So, here's my last bit of kickass life mind ninja-ness... try this as an experiment.

I guarantee you've never tried to fitness this way, so there's nothing to compare yourself to yet. This is a blank slate experiment... and here's the twist...

DO NOT go into this experiment to prove it will work. Go into it trying to prove it WON'T work. 

In order to prove you CAN'T improve your body image and fitness/nutrition outlook on life with this 3 month FIERCE AF journey, you will have to commit to it. 

Fully commit to "I'm gonna do all the things, and I KNOW they won't work...

but I'll track it and pay attention anyway and I'll review the results with an open mind (even though I already know what they'll be)."

If you do that and it doesn't work, you still haven't failed. You now know my methods don't work for you and you can try something else.

And if you paid me money, I'll refund it.

So go ahead... do your very BEST to prove this journey DOESN'T work for you.

And at the end, I'll still be here holding the belief that your body is fabulous and worthy of all the love you can give it. You can take as much or as little of that belief with you as you're ready for. It's not going anywhere <3

That's all I got!

If you're not in by this point, then what the heck are doing still reading this webpage??!

There are two choices below... I don't mind which one you choose, but DO something. The end :)



Clearly I'm bored

You: "I have no interest in this journey and yet here I am - a FUKing mile down a webpage  for something I'm not into. 

Sue me. It's a free country and I can waste my time however I want. So there.

In fact, I'd like to continue my journey of randomness and I demand entertainment..."

Me: "OK... when you click this, you might be tempted to think it's a mistake. It's not. I'm no fool...and besides, there are no mistakes; only lessons to learn. The question is.. will you understand the lesson when you see it?"

Kickass Life Project

© 2010 All rights reserved

FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


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