an intro to Trauma Informed Fitness

free for mental health professionals only

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Trauma Informed Fitness is cutting edge, new research about the effects of strength training on the brain's ability to recover from emotional trauma. Understanding how you can support your client's journey through the fitness world beyond the standard 'exercise will make you feel better' philosophy, will change their lives. 




You already know that if you work with humans, you work with trauma... and you also know that exercise can play an important role in recovery.

What you probably don't know is that many of the 'motivation' tactics used in a traditional fitness setting, mirror abusive tactics used by an oppressor ... and start with the premise that your body isn't good enough the way it is.

I don't need to tell you how damaging that can potentially be or how we can be inadvertently setting our clients up for feeling worse about themselves ... and not realizing the real reasons they are avoiding exercise. I don't have to tell you that trauma affects our client's ability to fully engage with their body...but I do have to tell their fitness trainer.

What if you understood how to help a client navigate the pitfalls built into the fitness world? Better yet, what if you could collaborate with a fitness trainer who spoke the same trauma informed fitness language?

Welcome to

the KLP

I'm Kate and here's the nitty gritty. I am a certified personal trainer and a registered professional counsellor. I have specialized training for trauma recovery in both fields.

"Trauma Informed Fitness is an embodied practice and intervention informed by the latest in neuroscience, physiology and trauma research to promote healing and resilience-building after trauma." ~ Centre for Trauma and Embodiment through Justice Resource Institute

Here's what you'll learn

in this free training

how be exercise informed and stay within your scope of practice

gain a basic understanding of toxic tactics within the fitness world

help your client understand what to look for in a trauma informed trainer

learn simple ways your client can feel safer in a gym setting

I will also share a next steps option if you want to take your ability to provide trauma informed fitness support to the next level and feel confident in your ability to truly change someone's life with fitness AND counselling. You and I both know the amazing benefits of exercise on the mind and body, but for someone with trauma, it isn't so obvious right away. You have the opportunity to help people reconnect with their body. Let's do this!

an intro to Trauma Informed Fitness

free for mental health professionals only

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Kickass Life Project

© 2010 All rights reserved

FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


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