Kickass Life Project

Get Sassy Get Sexy Get Strong

Wahooo! Your kickass life awaits

Your free 5 day intro journey is below when you're ready

No opt-in PDF's??

Ya. No opt in for PDF's. Trauma takes away choice and choice is a vital part of feeling empowered. 

Change begins with choice. “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”  

When our sympathetic state is on, it can often feel like our reactions to things and people are quick and short. Lengthening that space gives us freedom and power to change our impulses, and therefore, our life. I am giving you an opportunity to make an informed, and un-rushed, choice.

Body first approach

Does your approach to fitness sometimes feel like a kindergarten kid who is go go go... then crashes hard?

Is the idea of yoga and meditation cringeworthy 'cause sitting still makes you restless? 

When our sympathetic state is activated, it creates an agitated energy that wants to be doing and doesn't like to be still.

high alert and standing down

If things on this page are hitting home, you might be spending a lot of time in what we call a sympathetic nervous system state. You do not consciously choose this state, but awareness is our first step in being able to communicate better with our body.

the SYMPATHETIC state is all about PROTECTION

Grounding exercises are a way of signalling to your brain that it is ok to turn the alarm systems off

grounding invitation

I invite you to pause, turn your head side to side, and find something blue.


Free the squirrels

When we are in a sympathetic state, we often feel like we're going a million miles an hour and getting nowhere fast.

Access the Trauma Informed Fitness masterclass that will help your body feel less frantic and your mind more focused.

This is 'drop in the bucket' beginnings.

All of this is based on the Polyvagal Theory and brand new research being done on exercise as a way to regulate and heal our nervous system.

'Cause for any female identifying person who has grown up with 'before and after' pictures and 'lose weight to stay healthy' mantras, feeling relaxed about fitness and food is almost impossible.

We've been given fitness programs designed for male bodies and taught to ignore the natural rhythms of our own.

You can learn how fitness and wellness should be experienced in a female body. Spoiler alert: it probably isn't what you are feeling now.

There is so much to unravel and I'm excited to be a part of your journey when you are ready to start.

grounding invitation

I invite you to pause, turn your head side to side, and listen for something quiet.


Rise the tide

As energetic as a sympathetic state seems, it can be exhausting and leave us feeling powerless. 

You don't have to go it alone; a rising tide lifts all boats. I encourage you to stay connected and let others help lift you out of that drowning feeling so you can journey towards your kickass dream life.

a kickass journey

start a female empowered fitness and wellness journey based on what your body needs

Detox from diets & break up with toxic fitness

Refresh your relationship with your body through polyvagal and trauma informed practices

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email guidance

Together we'll design a customized fitness and wellness life for you that doesn't suck and actually works with your body (not a man's)


You'll have the opportunity to connect with others, (and me), in our KLP Tribe. It's like a FB group and a member area all rolled into one. 

your life back

We're going to turn diet culture and everything you thought you knew about fitness upside down so you can break free from a life of 'not good enough'.

It won't happen overnight

By all means, take in as much no opt-in stuff as you like, but we're talking about undoing a lifetime of fitness and body beliefs. Your brain WILL rebel. Having guidance on next steps will help. Plus, there is just a shit ton of stuff and it only makes sense if I send it to you in the right order :)

Opting in allows you to feel GROUNDED instead of flooded

grounding invitation

I invite you to pause, turn your head side to side, and notice something your body is touching.

Kickass Life Project

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